

The goalkeepers in FIFA 16 are harder to beat





The goalkeepers in FIFA 16 are harder to beat

Defenders no longer stand around like stunned mullets when Ronaldo or Van Persie slides past and runs into an easy one-on-one with the keeper. Now they turn with intent and try to cut off sneaky forwards before they make a devastating run, which was too often unstoppable in 14. However, with purpose comes misfortune, and defenders, like all players, move with more fluidity, which also means they��ll occasionally run into each other, and all of a sudden half your back line is lying inept on the ground. The new player movement takes more than a couple of games to become natural. Our initial lunchtime games at MMGN were met with the excitement of the FIFA newcomer being able to score more freely than he had done in last year��s game, but that was soon countered as the rest of us learn how to better defend and accepted that former reliable strategies needed to be rethought.

The graphical enhancements in this game are quite noticeable after FIFA 14, although in fairness I never had the opportunity to try out FIFA 16 on the PS4. There are new emotional reactions that have been included, which add the overall simulation aspect of the game. FIFA 16 feels more realistic this year, with more cutscenes ( go to ارخص موقع لبيع الكوينز فيفا 16) and videos that mimic how a soccer game would be broadcast. Same commentary with few added lines about the 2014 World Cup. In fact they actually made he commentary even more monotonous by making the 2014 world cup lines come up way too often, it's like EA wants to remind us that 'hey we added new lines!'. The soundtrack is pretty good, however with couple really good songs. Ultimate Team, a fan-favorite game mode in which players must create their own team from scratch, is also upgraded. Now, gamers can temporarily use rare players for a set amount of games in the new loan system.

For those gamers with Jos�� Mourinho��s eye for tactics you��ll have a field day with the options at hand to help ensure a win. There are simple plans like Counter Attack and High Pressure but players in individual positions can be given more technical instructions such as cutting out attacks or not even bothering to venture forwards when the team has possession of the ball. I can��t tell if it��s just the layout, however I believe this is the best tactical offering they��ve had. Gameplay has also become much more realistic and accurate. The AI ( come to www.afifacoin.com) defending is ruthless, forcing you to shield and move the ball quickly or risk losing possession. The goalkeepers in FIFA 16 are also harder to beat, almost to the point of ridiculousness. But your team mates make some pretty clever supporting runs to make things a bit easier.

You can also nutmeg the keeper. You. Can nutmeg. The keeper. This is huge. There��s no forcefield between their legs any more. There��s more ways to score, and that can only be a good thing. Not to flog a dead horse, but because of the momentum system you can actually take the ball around them as well. They��re no longer gravitationally attracted to the ball at the striker��s feet, and as such have to spread themselves and risk wiping out the forward when they want to claim the ball. Red cards and penalties are often given, and it��s amazing. Defense is a little harder to pick up, as the automatic player change after a pass takes some getting used to. The basic play on defense comes down to risk-reward assessment. You may choose to go for a slide tackle to steal a ball, but if an attacker sees and reacts to that, then you��ll probably wind up getting carded.

Often the safest approach is to just guide the attacker to the sidelines to limit his options, but the attacker will be able to milk time off the clock that way. Most of the game boils down to that risk-reward assessment, and a bad decision will put your opponent one stop closer to a goal. The added realism extends to the moment-to-moment action on the pitch as well. The ball is now a fully realized object in the 3D space. In previous years, a collision with some obstacle, such as a player, rendered the ball dead on contact.




No Name Ninja